Wednesday 16 November 2011

quiet time

take the time to spend some time with yourself just to think and evaluate all the things in your life.  Appreciate the good things in ur life and be greatfull for everything in it, the good and the bad because everything happens for a reason. the bad things help u sto grow and become stronger.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

choose the right friends

you may have some people in your life that you really love and care about. You try to help them as much as you can but in helping them they cause you to hurt yourself. If you have such people in your life its time to let them go.  you may love them very much but the fact is if you have to destroy yourself in order to build them and most of the time they not even doing anything to help themselves much less you.  if this is the case then you will have to let them go. Its time to choose friends that can help you build up yourself and add value to your life rather than cause you to self destuct for their sake.  They are not true friends!!!!!!! 

Wednesday 2 November 2011

love the people in your life

have u ever wished u could choose the people u r related to?  We all have at some point inour lives or the other but the thing is if we were able to choose the people we were realted to most likely we would choose  persons that would be able to give us whatever we wanted, do whatever we say and basically let us get away with any and everything.  If that were to happen then we wouldnt work for anything and all the fun will be drained ou of life. Our realatives in some way make us who we are and if u think about if we change who we are related too or want to it in a sense we want to change who we are as a person. so be gratefull for your realatives and love the people in your life because they make u who u are.